06 Mar My swedish Experience
Name / Alexander Kravchuk Why...
Name / Alexander Kravchuk Why...
Hey guys! This is Santi from Spain, I would like to introduce myself to you in this post. I am 17 years old and I come from Valencia, Spain. I am here because of the Erasmus + program, I chose Sweden as my destination because I...
Hello my name is Aitor and i have 19 years old. Im from Spain and more specifically in Valencia, i have come to Sweden for making a Erasmus Programme and this is my first time in this country. I am a person who likes the sport...
My Name is Adam Eleftheriou and i have come from Westside Circus, Melbourne, Australia. I am 21 years old and have been with the circus for almost 5 years. When i was younger i used to keep to myself because of things that used to happen...
“Engage in Nature” is a short term project which will be realized at an international level and is funded by the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission Firstly, what is a Key Action 1 project? Key Action 1 organisations, such as...
In society nowadays, hate speech is practically a normal part of our lives. Its consequences come from physical aggression, verbal aggression, threats and even sexual violence. Last year in Spain, a total of 1,272 hate crimes were committed and of those 249 ended in injuries,...
Hi I am Zeynep from Turkey. I am studying at Gazi University Department of Statistics. I will work as an intern in Sweden for 2.5 months. I will take part in project evaluation process at IFALL. I have been here 3 weeks. Today I am...
"Så snart vi avslutade visningen av filmen började publiken ställa en och samma fråga: vad kan vi göra?" Franny Armstrong, regissör för dokumentärfilmen "McLibel". Sedan jag var ett barn har jag alltid beundrat den inverkan som en viss film skulle kunna ha på min världssyn. Även om...
I slutet av februari hade filmprojektet aktiviteter under sportlovet, måndagen till lördagen. Måndagen började med att nya filmskapare fick lyssna på den unga ensamkommande som gjorde filmer under 2017. De fick se filmerna och höra deras tankar och sen fick de alla delta i filmworkshop, i...
During the war year of 1991 several women from Dubrovnik decided not to let their female citizens to the atrocities war has done to their homes and which threatened to do to their lives as well. The City – although full of destroyed homes itself,...