Aims of the project: -Theproject aims to raise awareness of the climate crisis and inspire young people to take meaningful individual action


  • Mladinski Center Zagorje Ob Savi – Slovenia
  • Gantalcalá La Rioja – Spain
  • Faal Derneği – Türkiye
  • APS Polygonal – Italy

Developing harmonious relationships between schools and plurilingual families is at the heart of a successful education of children growing up with multiple languages.


  • Association Pour La Promotion Et L’Avancement Du Multilinguisme- France
  • Uclan Cyprus Limited- Cyprus
  • Fundacion Red Incola- Spain
  • Undinterkultu Relle Bildung (IMIB) e.V.

STEP UP project aims at offering migrant women the opportunity to increase gradually a wide range of skills 


  • Framework Associazione Culturale Italy
  • Faal Derneği Turkey
  • Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group Greece
  • KulturLife gGmbH Germany
  • MV International Italy

The project focuses on discovering and improving physical, artistic, and social abilities in children and young people.


  • Australia: Circus Nexus
  • Germany: KulturLife
  • Turkey: Faal Derneği
  • South Africa: Amy Foundation
  • UK: Leeds Beckett University

The aim of this project is completely consistent with the chosen horizontal priority as it is focused on fostering cooperation between young Europeans and young resident refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants of the same age through an innovative methodology


  • Ifall – Sweden
  • Aproximar, CRL – Portugal
  • Gehim-Der – Turkey
  • Meridaunia – Italy
  • Redial Partnership CLG – Ireland
  • Verein Der Akademie Für Bildung, Culture, Kunst, Jugend Und Sport Der Europäischen Union – Austria

The project Digital Push intends to promote digital skills of vulnerable people in order to foster their creative skills and use them as a means for promoting themselves, their craft and ultimately improve their working conditions


  • Meridaunia – Italy
  • Wildratfilm – Italy
  • Kadin ve Genç Girişim Merkezi Derneği – Woman and Young Entrepreneurship Centre Association – Turkey
  • Faal Derneği – Turkey
  • Aproximar – Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social, CRL – Portugal
  • Associação – Sons do Estaminé – Portugal
  • Ifall – Sweden

The RE.BE.CO. the project is an exchange of good practices of inclusion of Young Migrants. Ito connect is based on sharing and participation. RE.BE.CO.  


  • Ifall- Sweden
  • Open Cultural Center -Greece
  • Open Cultural Center – Spain

The aim of this project is completely consistent with the chosen horizontal priority as it is focused on fostering cooperation between young Europeans and young resident refugees.


  • Ifall – Sweden
  • MVNGO – Italy
  • Champions Factory – Bulgaria
  • ADEL – Slovakia

The main motivation for this project is to achieve social inclusion and sustain it. Social inclusion is defined as the process of improving participation in society.


  • Ifall – Sweden
  • West Side Circus – Australia
  • Faal Derneği – Turkey
  • Amy Foundation – South Africa
  • Leeds Beckett University – UK
  • Epic Arts – Cambodia
  • Better World – South Korea