
Hej all!  It’s finally reached that time, the time for me to go home to Australia, a lot has happened over the past year, i’ve learnt so much, made heaps of new friends, taught, laughed and lived. I had a wonderful bunch of experiences in and outside...

IFALL has organized the 3rd project meeting of YouMe in Helsingborg, Sweden after Madrid and Frankfurt. As you know the YOUME project aims at providing information, training and support to a selected number of migrants, especially the young ones coming from war-torn countries, in order to...

    T. and his daughter K. joined the WELL©HOME Community in September 2015 and formally emerged in July 2017. Clearly on paper, because the young T. and her baby continue to have the support of the whole community. Twenty-one years old and a child of almost three,...

De första månaderna gick åt till att förbereda sig och delta i sociala aktiviteter för att bygga förtroende mellan ensamkommande barn, projektledare och samhälle. Varje vecka har IFALL haft återkommande aktiviteter med många deltagare. Exempel på aktiviteter är; språkstöd, idrott för olika målgrupper (kvinnor, mammor...