The two-week training period foreseen in the Youth Life REBECO project took place in Bagni di Lucca (Italy) from 19 September to 1 October 2022.
The training involved young people with a migrant background from different countries, including Nigeria, Gambia, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Venezuela, Syria, Latvia, Kenya, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Tunisia. Two days of training were led by IFALL, which included the activity called TRIBE GAME, also presented the CANVA platform as a digital tool for everyone. Participants worked on identifying stereotypes and prejudices, trusting and listening, as well as teamwork and areas of intervention to foster inclusion.
As well as an opportunity to develop new skills, the training represented a valuable opportunity for exchange and mutual comparison between the participants in a welcoming and listening atmosphere. The main objective of the training, in line with the whole project, was to develop transversal skills to guide and facilitate the inclusion of other migrants. The training program was divided into four modules integrated with laboratory experiences in order to make learning and the exchange of good practices more effective.
Due to the extent and complexity of the skills, the training was multidisciplinary, and Legal, social, psychological, and cultural mediation issues were addressed.

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