29 Sep Summer Activities 2016 in IFALL.
During last summer IFALL organized four activities in different areas: photography, music, art and football. Integration was the main goal and since the beginning we’ve had the support of the municipality. We’ve been working with local organizations and as Neco said “ IFALL needs to collaborate with other organizations in order to attract young people into IFALL. Therefore summer activities are a tool for IFALL to build a relationship with other cultural and sport organizations. Moreover it is important to arrange summer activities for local young people so that they can have meaningful free time activities. Young people learn in different ways therefore it can be good to have a variety in our activities such as drama, sport, music, photography and art”.
The activities started at the beginning of July and lasted until the beginning of August and during all the period Alhagie, Ali, Asmat, Cleo and Nassir helped us. They supported us in the practical part and they had an important role because of the language: they could speak Swedish and for this reason they create a bridge between the EVS volunteers and the participants.
More in details we can say:
João’s workshop took place on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of July, twice per day, at the library in Örkelljunga. The workshop consisted in teaching the basic photography to young kids. Many joined the activities and, as a result, we can say it worked well for the integration! In general João seems satisfied of the activity: “The workshop was really nice” – he said -“ it has been an opportunity to explore different possibilities with young kinds and an opportunity to meet people with different backgrounds. It has been fun for them and me as well. I’ve learned a lot and I hope they’ve also learned something”.
The STOMP workshop, which involved both music and drama, has been the result of the collaboration between IFALL and the Örkelljunga Music School. The workshop took place at the Örkelljunga Musikskola on the 4th, 11th, 18th of July and the week 1st-4th August and at the Skånes Fagerhult parish on the 5th, 12th, 19th of July and the week 25th-28th of July. During all the activity Julius has been part of the team helping teaching music and translating the jergon.
Tristan, the project creator, had a fulfilling experience with a lot of fun. “We’ve seen many smiles”, he likes to remember.
Mats Löfving, Principal at Örkelljunga Music School, thinks that “in the very important work of helping refuges with integration, Örkelljunga Music School have been fortunate to work with the voluntary organization Ifall. During the past summer we collaborated in a course in STOMP. I must say the course was a real success, largely due to the team from Ifall. The class consisted of a blend of Swedish citizens and newly arrived refugees. I truly hope Örkelljunga Music School will get the opportunity to work with Ifall again in the near future”.
Alhagie organized the football activity every Tuesday between 18:00-20:00 and in Örkelljunga. It was fun to play with both Swedish and refugees and, in particular, Alhagie thinks the organization of summer activities was a good idea that should be repeated in future too.
IFALL and Örkelljunga Konstförening planned an art workshop which took place on the 13th, 10th and 27th of July in Åsljunga and Skåne Fagerhult and on the 10th of August in Eket. Carmen, the responsible for the activity, thinks that “On the personal ground, summer workshop was specially gratifying cause I could develop artistic skills that I had rusty. You offer your knowledge of your skills (art) but also you receive their experiences and points of view, and that makes you more sensible and aware about reality.
Inside the project it was a luck to have volunteers from Boendet and I’m glad to have supported, with a great team, others to feel closer to cultural activities, usually Boendet and IFALL focus more in sport ones. So, definitely, I think IFALL should continue collaborating with the municipality and Konstforening. Kunstförening provided us a lot of material and Maria Roth has been really helpful”.
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