16 Feb Updates about IFALL activities
Last Tuesday, IFALL together with Strandhem organised an intercultural evening. Students from Strandhem, teenagers from Hjelmsjövik and volunteers from IFALL gathered around games, challenges music and dances. This evening gave the opportunity to meet each other in a relaxed atmosphere. Everyone appreciated the event and further evenings will take place before summer. Check our facebook pages and watch some videos of the event! Thanks to everyone who organised and attended the event!!
During Sportlov, IFALL activities will be modified.
- 21/02 and 28/02: 13:00-15:00: footbol fôr alla, Lilhallen
- 24/02 14:00-16:00: intercultural activity, location to be confirmed.
- 25/02 11:00-13:00: volleybol fôr alla + lekar fôr barn
- No English café on Wednesday!
Don’t forget to check our Facebook page for more updates!
Have a nice week 🙂
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