23 Jan Study Visit at IFALL
My name is Charlotte and recently I visited Sweden to complete a two week study visit with IFALL. I am from England, currently studying at Leeds Beckett University doing Youth Work and Community Development.
I found out about IFALL when I went to Greece as part of an Intercultural Primary Education project in November/December 2014. While I was there I learnt all about the organisation and then I shared my experiences and what I plan to do in the future in terms of working with asylum seekers and refugees. As part of my course I have to complete 900 hours of voluntary work, 3 internships in total and for 1 it is possible to complete it in another country. Everyone who has successful graduated in previous years highly recommends everyone to do an international placement as it is good to compare work that is done within the UK with work done in different countries.
Currently, I am completing my second year placement with an English organisation called the Children’s Society (http://www.childrenssociety.org.uk) that works with vulnerable families, children and young people within the UK. They also do a lot of work with asylum seeks and refugee young people. I will hopefully gain lots of useful skills and ideas that I can then use in Sweden with IFALL. We are also in the process of organising Necmettin Meletli coming to the UK to complete a study visit with the Children’s Society. It is an exciting opportunity which should happen in February/March!
To ensure that an internship in the summer is possible with IFALL and it meets all the requirements set by my university I came in January. I stayed for 2 weeks and had a great time experiencing the Swedish culture, learning about the organisation and seeing the opportunities for the future.
During one of the days I attended ‘Open Hours’ and spent a few hours talking to volunteers, staff and student teachers. It was a great chance where I found out more about the organisation in a relaxed and comfortable environment while drinking tea and found out what work I could be involved in when I return in the summer. It was lovely to hear other people experiences of working for the organisation. Later on in the week I attended a ‘HandiCraft’ activity. It was a challenging activity learning how to crochet or knit but I tried my best. Everyone was very welcoming and it was great to see people sharing their talents with others. I am also excited to hear that IFALL has an English Café. When I return in the summer I will definitely be attending this and helping anyone with their English.
My plan is to return to Sweden in the summer months and complete my third year internship with IFALL. I’m looking forward to learning a lot more and getting involved with as much as possible. I hope to finally meet everyone when I return!
Thank you for reading my blog and I’m excited for my future internship with IFALL.
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