Project Name : Youth work Improved through young PeoPlE’s storiEs

Project Acronym: Yippee

Project Code:2021-1-KA220-YOU-A628B7AF

Start date -01-01-2022

End Date 01-01-2024

Website: https://yippee-initiative.weebly.com/

The aim of this project is completely consistent with the chosen horizontal priority as it is focused on fostering cooperation between young Europeans and young resident refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants of the same age through an innovative methodology. Additionally, in the development phase of YIPPEE training package, youth workers and professionals from a migrant background will be included and fully involved giving their input on teamwork between EU and immigrant youth, giving them a clear stake in the process and an opportunity to become actors of change in society. The general objective of YIPPEE project is to contribute to more equal, intercultural and inclusive youth local communities through new approaches and transnational initiatives. Specific objectives are: – To deliver an innovative and effective approach to youth work within multicultural communities. – To bring young Europeans and immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers of the same age together, cooperating through peer to peer learning, deepening their critical thinking and creating a sense of belonging. – To encourage young multicultural communities to become actors of change through local initiatives, planned at EU level, aimed to tackle discrimination and foster social inclusion.

Partners :


  • APROXIMAR, CRL – Portugal
  • GEHIM-DER – Turkey
  • MERIDAUNIA – Italy
  • Redial Partnership CLG – Ireland
  • Verein Der Akademie Für Bildung, Culture, Kunst, Jugend Und Sport Der Europäischen Union – Austria