The project Digital Push intends to promote digital skills of vulnerable people in order to foster their creative skills and use them as a means for promoting themselves, their craft and ultimately improve their working conditions, bonds and environments. We further detail goals bellow:
To raise awareness in people with low digital skills for the digital transition and technological updating, especially in the cultural and creative sector.
To empower unemployed people with low digital literacy in digital skills, increase their employability potential and promote their work and craft.
To use design thinking methodology to train unemployed people and help trainers in their role of supporting low digitally skilled people.
It will target some of the most vulnerable and low skilled individuals such as unemployed people & low education workers, informal market workers (and other precarious employment contracts), low-skilled entrepreneurs and cultural and creative sector workers, as well as educators, trainers and social support technicians – which frequently contact those populations and more easily and directly help in their digital learning experiences. The final aim of this project is to achieve a greater balance in the labour market thus investing in education in a time of digital and ecological transition. Digital Push brings a set of innovative factors that touch different dimensions of the project structure, either in its type of education (non-formal education, using a mentoring strategy) or in its methodology (through Design thinking processes such as collaboration, co-production creation and creative problem solving), as well as the tools to be created and used (based on this perspective co-production and creative problem solving). Digital Push aims to promote digital skills on unemployed people and creative sector workers in order to improve their employability opportunities, conditions and environments. All the Target Objective
Partners :
Kadin ve Genc Girisim Merkezi Dernegi – Woman and Young Entrepreneurship Centre Association- Turkey