22 Jan Back to Swedish…
Hej hej,
So we’re back from our 3 weeks holidays break.
3 weeks can be a quite long period when it comes to learn a language. In order to keep us practising Swedish during our holidays, our teacher advised us to write a diary, to read a 100-pages book and to make a short summary about it. Of course, we chose a children book. But anyway, we managed to read our first book in Swedish! Writing this diary made us realize that we already learned quite a lot and are able to express ourselves in this new language, at least in a written form (why not writing an article in Swedish soon? 😉 ). Last week, we aslo started D-level of SFI (Swedish For Immigrants). We’re now half-way of our stay here. We still have a lot to learn and we hope that we’ll keep progressing in Swedish.
When I came back to Örkelljunga, I was surprised by the amount of snow. People told us that here it doesn’t really snow. So last weekend, we decided to go for a walk. We saw that people were ice-skating on Hjälmsjön. We didn’t have skates, but we decided to cross the lake anyway. It was a great experience to do so! Another amazing surprised from our wonderful Örkelljunga!
Last Wednesday, we went with our class to Helsingborg’s theater to watch “Mio, min Mio” play. Before the holidays, we have started to read Astrid Lindgren’s book in class. It helped us to follow the play. It was a nice experience and we hope we’ll do something else like that before summer.
Have a nice weekend,
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