EVS for employability

EVS for employability


This week I want to inform you about the Project we are going to have in
Örkelljunga between 22 and 30 of November. The name of the
project is "EVS for employability". It is a training course
organized by IFALL with the help of a trainer from Portugal, 32 persons from 7 different
organizations from all around Europe are going to participate to this project. 

In this training they are going to talk about the EVS, how the
organizations can apply to it, how to manage with the problems they can
find during the project and how to offer a good experience to the volunteers. One of
the main topic is how the EVS volunteers can increase their skills
thought this EVS and their employability.

The project will use non-formal and informal education methods. The
participants will reflect on how we can improve the sense of European
Citizenship among the EVS volunteers and how we can increase their sense
of initiative and entrepreneurship. Even more, we will explore together
how to use digital tools in youth work with the EVS volunteers
and reflect on the importance of intercultural relations and tolerance
in this kind of projects.

Every day, we will have an intercultural evening so all the
participant could show us the culture of their countries. We will show
them one evening a bit of Swedish culture, to know better each other’s. One
day, they are going to visit Malmö to know more places in Sweden.

I hope our visitors will enjoy their time here in Örkelljunga and learn
more about this beautiful country.
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