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IFALL´S Activities

IFALL´S Activities


this is our second week helping with IFALL´s activities and we want to tell you what happened this week.

On Monday it is the “Open House” (at IFALL´s local), you can join us and practice your Swedish or hepl us and the others to improve their Swedish too. Children are welcome and our volunteers will take care of them.  

Tuesday, is the cultural cafe in Klippan. It is awesome for us to see that last week the number of young people who came to know more about IFALL and have a good time together were more than the first week. This activity is having a big acceptation in Klippan.

 The Wednesday was our relaxing day because the school was closed, so we couldn´t make the English Cafe, but next week it takes places in the same place at three o´clock and we hope see you there.

The Thursday is a busy day because we have differents activities. One of them is the choir and we think in make a change in this activity because there is no enough people to carry on. We are thinking on start a new activity so all the ideas are welcome, so let us know.

My favourite activity of this day is the “sport for all”, last day the kids did a castle with the mats, you have to check the picture below and see the result :).


These kids have a lot of power and is fantastic for us go there and spend a while with them, we finish the day a bit tired but with a really good fealling waitting for the next week.

Friday, we are starting with a new project in Klippan and last Friday it was the first day. We want to bring the sports to Klippan because, like you know, we have this type of activity in Örkelljunga and we want to do the same there. Finally we can get a good number of young people and we hope that it will be the same next week.


Next Friday we are going to be there again, this activity takes place in “antilopens” sports centre at 18:00h, we hope that next time the group can be bigger.



Laura and Malika.


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