LEave No One behind

LEave No One behind

Project number: 602489-EPP-1-2018-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA
Project Acronym: Leno

Project duration : July 2018- Sept 2020

Website: https://leavenoonebehind.eu/
Project aim:
The main motivation for this project is to achieve social inclusion and sustain it. Social inclusion is defined as the process of improving participation in society, particularly for people with disadvantage, through enhancing opportunities, access to resources, voice and respect for rights and is important for all society. Social Inclusion involves everyone. There currently isn’t complete social inclusion in any country as not all people feel included, valued and welcomed. There is a need for methods to promote social inclusion to spread it worldwide. Our hope for “LENO” is bring diverse organisations together; experts in different non-formal methods to promote social inclusion, involving all talents and abilities, no matter who you are so social inclusion will be sustained. There is a lack of social inclusion within every country. We chose to focus on this issue as each partner is working with fewer opportunity people at risk of exclusion. Partners are working in one-dimensional ways, separated and individual groups segregating individuals from society. We hope to eradicate the misunderstood concept of social inclusion for all partners involved by working with stakeholders and local networks. This partnership will enable sustainable social inclusion.

Partners :

 IFALL- Sweden

 West Side Circus -Australia

 Faal Dernegi-Turkey

 Amy Foundation-South Africa

 Leeds Beckett University-UK

Epic Arts-Cambodia

 Better World- South Korea

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