28 Jul Official end of the project Increaction+
Official end of the project Increaction+
After several months of cooperation between the project partners, Increaction+ ends officially. The project, that joined together 26 participants from 6 different countries in order to exchange good practices and cooperate together on the inclusion and entrepreneurship of youth through non formal education methodologies, offers now all its materials and achievements online through its public website (http://increactionplus.blogspot.com.es/ ).
“Increaction+: Intercultural and Creative Actions for Inclusion” was a transnational project developed thanks to the support of the Erasmus+ programme within its Key Action 1 to promote projects for the mobility of young people and youth workers. As main activity of this initiative, representatives from all the partner countries travelled to Vitoria (Spain) to attend a one-week-transnational seminar coordinated by the Spanish organisation Bitartean Jolasean – Entretanto Entretente and with the support of members of the other five partner organisations from Czech Republic (Dům narodnostnich menšin o.p.s.), Greece (M.K.O. CIVIS PLUS), Italy (Soc.Coop.Sociale EOS), Latvia (Shelter “Safe House”) and Sweden (Integration For Alla (IFALL)). On the one hand, this international activity made possible that participants from the field of youth inclusion (including youth workers, NGOs representatives and youth users) could cooperate together during some days and exchange good practices about initiatives related to interculturality, social inclusion and integration of youth at local level involving at the same time immigrants and local population. On the other hand, it allowed that representatives of all the partner organizations get to know each other and discuss potential initiatives together in order to continue with the work done during this project in the future. Using this framework for peer learning, the seminar also included different workshops to promote new non formal methodologies for intercultural education and non formal learning for youth such as theater, storytelling, energizers, etc. Page 5 / 5
All the materials and outputs developed during the project are freely available on its site (http://increactionplus.blogspot.com.es/) and also the final movie that was published to disseminate the seminar activities. Furthermore, the site also includes an interactive evaluation form in order to allow the users visiting it to give their opinion about the project, its materials, improve them and join future initiatives of the project partnership (visit the section “evaluate us”). Besides this online platform, to discover more about “Increaction+” you can also join its Facebook group in order to be aware about the project development and get to know more about youth inclusion and transnational working (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Increaction/1416609791966485?fref=ts). For more information or further details about “Increaction+”, please contact the partner organisation of the project located in your country (http://increactionplus.blogspot.com.es/p/project-partners.html).
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